Friday, February 28, 2014

Cool Minecraft Creations: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Part 2

Hello everyone I just wanted to let you know that part 2 of our series Cool Minecraft Creations just went live today. So go ahead and check it out here

And incase you missed our first video here it is
If you have any ideas for what we should do for our next project go ahead and leave them in the comments below.

Cool Minecraft Creations: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Part 1

Hello once again everyone, the very first video in our new YouTube series just went live. Cool Minecraft Creations, in this episode we took on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Click on this link to see a brief demonstration of how we built this giant wonder of the ancient world

If you happen to like what you saw than just go ahead and smash that like and subscribe button and stay tuned for part two of our episode in the new series Cool Minecraft Creations.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Cool Minecraft Creations: Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hello world I am starting my very own YouTube channel where me and my friends post several series based around Minecraft and other related games. Our first series will be titled Cool Minecraft Creations. In this series we will take on the task of building anything we can think of along with audience requests. We have no specific topic to build only that it will be big and epic. So please check out our YouTube channel

It is now available to watch so go ahead and click that link to jump over to our channel. If you like what you see than why not go ahead and subscribe and feed us ideas for new things to build in Cool Minecraft Creations.

This is our finished project.